Sunday, April 24, 2011

Getting Personal.

I'm extremely bored. So here's a pretty personal survey about myself.

1. Ever cheated on someone? How many times?:
 Yes. I've cheated on five guys. All of them were assholes and abused me.
I feel no regret/guilt about doing so.

2. How old were you when you lost your virginity? Or if you are a virgin, what age do you think you’ll lose it at?:
I didn't lose my virginity willingly. I was forced into it.
The first time I did have sex willingly, I was fifteen, nearly sixteen.

3. Are you “IN love” with somebody?
So in love with him.

5. Did you ever do anything sexual on your parents bed?:
No, never.

6. Ever been “the other person” in an affair?: 
I dated a guy, who apparently was already in a relationship.
I had no idea he was with someone, so we both were kind of "the other person."

7. How many people do you have a crush on right now?:
One, and it's much more than a crush.

9. Ever had a one night stand?:
No. Never have and never will.

10. Ever gotten drunk and couldn’t remember the night?:
No I have not.

11. Ever been sexually harassed and/or assaulted?:
Both, multiple times.

12. Ever had a crush on your neighbor?:
I don't know my neighbors.

13. Ever snuck out of the house?:

14. How many illegal drugs have you tried?

15. Do you do any drug regularly?:
Marijuana whenever I can.

16. If you’re underage, do you still drink and/or smoke cigarettes?:
I don't smoke cigarettes.
But yes, I drink alcohol.

17. Ever self-harmed?:

18. Ever attempted suicide?:
I don't have the guts...

19. Ever been to therapy? Why for?:
Yes. Depression and eating disorders.

20. Have you ever been so upset that you stopped eating?:
Multiple times.

21. Are you clinically depressed? Are you taking anything for it?:
So they say. I used to take Wellbutrin and some other stuff. Not any longer though.

23. How old were you when you first got kissed?:
I think maybe thirteen.
It was god-aweful.

24. Is there any “friend” of yours that you secretly hate but talk to anyway?:
I don't hate him/her, I just dislike them slightly. But everyone's got a friend like that.

25. Ever been in a relationship and wanted to end it, but stuck with it for some reason?:
Yeah, it was so stupid.

26. Ever sent naked pictures to someone?:
Only to my recent boyfriend.

27. What about sent them to someone you met over the internet?:
No way. Never.

28. Ever been abused?:
Yeah, and I was dumb enough to not say anything...

29. Did you ever run away? How long were you gone for and what happened?:
No, but I thought of it a lot when I lived with my mom. I even packed my stuff, but she found it and I got in a lot of trouble, lol.

30. Do you ever lie to yourself about things so much that you believe it?:
I try. I try so hard to make myself believe I'm beautiful, but it just doesn't work.

31. Have you ever liked someone when you were dating someone else?:
Lol, I've dated five people while being obsessed with my current boyfriend. So yes.

32. Ever dated a friend’s ex?:
Uhm, kind of I suppose. But we weren't friends until after I started dating the guy.

33. Ever done something with your friend’s significant other?
No way, I could never do something like that.

34. Did anyone ever confide in you about being gay/lesbian?:
Yeahhh, my bestfriend!<3

35. Have you ever questioned your sexual orientation? What are you?:
Yeah. It's still in question.

36. Do you know of someone who has done a horrible crime but never got caught?

37. Ever stole a large sum of money?:
God no. People who do are pitiful.

38. Ever purposely threw up?:

39. Ever had an eating disorder? What happened?:
They say I'm anorexic and bulimic.

40. Did you or anyone you know have an abortion? What were your thoughts?:
I've never had one, but I know people. And it's their choice. It's just the best option for some situations.  

41. Were you or any of your siblings in an accident?:
Yeah, we've been in a couple car accidents, nothing major.

42. Ever found porn on your parents’ computer?:
Eww. No.

43. Do you look at porn?:
Again, ewww, and no.

44. How many people have seen you naked in person?:
Only two.

45. What about through pictures?:
Only one.

46. Ever had cyber/phone sex?
With my boyfriend.

47. Ever got a piercing behind your parents’ back?:
No, but I stretched my ears without permission. They're my ears, it's not like people can control what I do with my body.

48. Ever sold or bought an illegal substance (drugs, or something you shouldn’t be buying at your age, things like that)?:

49. What’s your biggest fear?:
Losing my son.
Being fat.

50. Have you ever faced that fear? What happened?:
Not the first.
But I am fat, so yes to the second.

51. Have you ever almost died? What happened?:
I ODed on my antidepressants.
I got so sick I was shaking violently and getting extremely hot.
I forced myself to throw up so I wouldn't die.
I'm so weak it's pathetic...